About the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consisting of five elected members who supervise the Commissioners, State Convenors, and Deputy State Convenors within their respective regions.
Additionally the Board provides advice and support to the Executive Committee, and otherwise represent the interest of their respective regions.

Members of the Board of Directors

Region 1
Rt Rev. Patrick McLean, OSSP
Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming,
Abbot Patrick Maclean lives in Littleton, Colorado with his wife, Laura, and their dogs. He earned an MA from the University of Southern Mississippi, and post-graduate work the University of Colorado.
A member since 1977, Abbot Maclean served in many capacities, including President 2012-2017. He also served as President of Clan Maclean International 2017-2019.
Descended from the Macleans of Ardgour, Abbot Maclean is an avid historian. Abbot Maclean was awarded three knighthoods for his work in the Scottish-American community.
Abbot Maclean is an ordained priest , and was elected Abbot of the Order of St Stephen the Protomartyr. He serves as Chancellor of the United Episcopal Church of North America, advising on Canon Law matters.
Region 2
Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Region 3
Patricia Jackson
989 463 9064
Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin,
Born and raised in Michigan, Pat Jackson loves horses, knitting, reading and travel. She started tracing her Maclain ancestry in 2011, and found Uriah McLain, a patriot of the American Revolution.
The discovery of Scottish ancestors led her and her sister Paula to attend a local Highland festival. In 2014 they became involved in Clan Maclean, as conveners, and hosts.
As acting Director of Region 3, Pat is working to connect with more Scottish “cousins.” Hosting clan tents, and trying to recruit more people to convene, and host, throughout Region 3 is her current goal.
Since retiring, in 2015, she is looking forward to discovering more about her clan history, and meeting more cousins. A trip to Duart Castle is her wish for the near future.

Region 4
Ephraim R. McLean III, Ph.D.
770 396 5280
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
Dr. Ephraim “Eph” McLean enjoys preserving and sharing the history.
He is an internationally recognized expert and lecturer on information systems and organizational theory. He is a Professor of Information Systems, and known for his work with William H. DeLone on the information systems success model and on “measurement of information systems effectiveness.”
Eph obtained his BS and MS at Cornell, and served at the U.S. Ordnance Corps, before earning his MSc and PhD. from MIT. In 1969 he founded and directed A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management’s first Information Systems Research Program. He became Professor and Director of its Center for Research in Information Systems. He has published three books and more than 120 scholarly and professional articles.

Region 5
Leslie H. McLean, Ed.D
Connecticut, Main, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Dr. Leslie Hobert McLean, simply Les
or Doc
to those close to him, grew up in Florida, and currently lives in Delaware. Less became President of CMAUS in 2018.
Les earned his doctorate at Vanderbilt University and spent most of his career in independent education. He has been Headmaster of four schools; and currently teaches in Wilmington, Delaware.
Les McLean is passionate about his family, soccer, sailing, skiing, the outdoors, and everything Scottish.
At the 2003 Grandfather Mountain Games, Les approached a crowd near a Maclean banner. He was stopped by a gentleman with a staff and quach who said, “this is a private party… and you have just been invited!” That gentleman, former President Clarence Greek.