2022 AGM Minutes

2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Clan Maclean Association in the United States
Daniel Boone Inn, Boone NC
July 9, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Treasurer, Connie McLean Sutton, at 7:10 p.m. Secretary, Jennifer McLean, took a count of all attendees, distributed the 2021 minutes to all members present and confirmed a quorum. Several members attended the meeting via Zoom.
Chaplain and Past President, Patrick Maclean, was designated parliamentarian.
Connie McLean Sutton conducted the meeting in the absence of President, Dr. Leslie (Les) McLean who is recovering from a stay in the hospital. Vice President, Nancy McLean Hendreschke, was also unable to attend. As per the by-laws, the treasurer is to preside over the AGM. Connie introduced those present from the Executive Committee.
Secretary, Jennifer McLean, gave a re-cap of the 2021 minutes. Larry Hampton made a motion to approve the 2021 minutes with a second from Betsy McLean. The 2021 AGM minutes were approved.
Connie McLean Sutton presented the Treasurer’s report. Reporting from June 30, 2021 through July 2, 2022, the association has $8,963.09 in cash and $30,782.36 in savings. The total income is $8,648.89, expenses are $4,718.98 which includes games registrations, advertising, postage, printing, supplies, and Paypal fees. A donation of $200 was sent to support and to advertise Clan Maclean in the production of the Highland Echoes. This play is performed in the evening during the Highland Games. With our donation, Clan Maclean will be recognized in the performance.
Connie reported that the amount of interest received from the savings account is very small. Any member with banking experience should contact her regarding earning more interest.
In the last year, members donated $486.07 to be forwarded to the Duart restoration. This money will be sent to the Duart Restoration Fund.
The membership report was read by Jennifer McLean. As of July 9, 2022, there are 229 life members, 212 regular members, 15 associate and honorary members which brings total membership to 456. There are 110 members delinquent with payments totaling $3,218.75. Invoices for dues renewal were sent out in mid-May 2022. We have received half our regular membership dues.
During Covid, members continued to join using the website and Paypal. In 2020, 40 members joined. In 2021, 27 members joined. As of July 2022, 18 members have joined.
We need to encourage members to convene in order to attract more members.
Newsletter editor, Anne Redding, reported that there were two newsletters in 2021, This year, four newsletters are expected. January and June newsletters were sent to all members. Two more newsletters are planned, one in September and another at the end of the year. Send any interesting stories or pictures from games to editor@maclean.us.org.
Web master, Kane McLean, could not attend the meeting. Jason Wamsley gave credit to Kane for the re-design of the CMAUS website. The old website was at the end of its life and had to be re-designed. Kane did all the design; Jason helped Kane with smaller stuff. Jason praised the new website and all of Kane’s hard work. Jason mentioned that if you find something interesting related to Macleans, you may email through the “Contact us” on the CMAUS website.
Old Business
Connie McLean Sutton commented that three years ago, President Les McLean had an idea to put together Maclean items for a convener kit. The kits have proven beneficial. A member recently received a kit and convened in Chicago. The Executive Committee hopes more members will be interested in convening at future games. Lead Convener, Mary Sue Wyatt, has all the kits. She will gladly mail members a kit and ask that kits be returned once used.
Several years ago, a former Vice President, Bob Forsman, who was a weapons collector passed away. He willed a portion of his collection to CMAUS. Larry Hampton cared for the weapons for a few years. President Les McLean now has the weapon exhibit. The Maclean weapons are always a very popular part of the Maclean tent. The president would like to find a new weapons master who will treat these weapons as museum pieces and who will transport them to the larger games. Connie asked if interested to please contact the Executive Committee of CMAUS.
CMAUS needs two Regional Directors, one for region 2 and another for region 5. A Regional Director is a member who is willing to assist and recruit conveners in these areas. Region 2 consists of the south-central United States. Region 5 consists of New England and the north-eastern United States. The Executive Committee would like to see these positions filled.
New Business
Connie McLean Sutton opened new business with the election of Vice President. The term for the current Vice President of CMAUS, Nancy Hendreschke, is up for election; Nancy has chosen not to seek another term. Jason Wamsley was nominated for Vice President for a 3-year term beginning January 1, 2023. A motion was made by Betsy McLean and seconded by Cal Holloway to elect Jason Wamsley as Vice President of CMAUS. The motion was voted and passed unanimously.
As in year’s past, a $1000 donation has been made to the Duart Restoration Fund. A motion was made by Larry Hampton and seconded by Van Shoemaker to donate $1000 to the Duart Restoration Fund for 2022. The motion was voted and passed.
On October 17, 2021, Sir Lachlan’s mother, Lady Elizabeth, passed away at 98. Connie relayed that the Executive Committee would like to give a $500 donation to the Duart Restoration Fund in the memory of Lady Elizabeth Maclean. A motion was made by Betsy McLean and seconded by Van Shoemaker to donate $500 to the Duart Restoration Fund in memory of Lady Elizabeth. The motion was voted and passed.
Connie gave an overview of two highland dancers who have applied for a scholarship with CMAUS. Nadia (age 11) and Sophia (age 9) have many accomplishments in highland dance. Connie has put together a folder of all their accolades and awards and shared them with those present. Connie made mention that CMAUS has not given a scholarship in several years now. Connie mentioned that a scholarship is used for entry fees, travel and furthering lessons. Martha Vest made a motion and Meredith McLean seconded to give each dancer a $1000 scholarship. The motion was vote and passed.
The Tartan Day Parade will be held in NYC on Saturday, April 15, 2023. Connie and Les participated last year and encourage more Macleans to attend.
The Maclean International Gathering is June 19-25, 2023. Connie asked if anyone will be attending to please contact Jennifer McLean, Secretary. Connie let members know that if interested to make accommodations sooner rather than later.
The location of the 2023 AGM is yet to be determined.
The AGM adjourned at 7:40pm.
Submitted by:
Jennifer McLean
Secretary, CMAUS